From disharmony in choosing a marriage partner to harmony. E Pushkarev
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V.G. Belinsky
Love is more than rational consciousness, but without it, it could not act as an inner saving force that uplifts rather than abolishes individuality.
V.S. Soloviev
The traditions of polygamy were kept in Russia for more than one century after baptism. The presence of several "spouses" was not the privilege of princes and nobility. The Old Russian legislative code "Extensive Truth" provides for a situation when his "timid children" take part in the division of the property of a deceased person together with their mother (Article 98).
Professor, Doctor of History V. Dolgov. "A good wife is a crown to her husband and sorrow": relations in the family. Ancient Russia XI-XIII centuries
During the 2010 All-Russian Population Census, information was obtained about the so-called polygamous marriage unions. There are 1616 of them in Russia. In Ingushetia - 30, in Chechnya - 75, in Stavropol - 6, in Moscow - 732, in St. Petersburg - 382.
The other side of drama and passionate love.
In an experiment conducted under the guidance of Professor of the University of Acadia, Dr. Lachlan McWilliams, took part 5645 representatives of the fairer sex aged 18 to 60 years. It turned out that Miss and Mrs, who felt uncertain about the future of their relationship with a partner or felt discomfort while spending time together, were significantly more susceptible to various kinds of chronic diseases, such as, for example, arthritis, headaches, seasonal allergies.
According to Dr. McWilliams, those women in whose life there is so-called restless attachment are more likely to suffer from these disorders, as well as asthma, high blood pressure, chronic lung diseases, high blood sugar or diabetes, stomach ulcers , disorders of the functioning of the cardiovascular system, epilepsy, seizures and cancer.
The "phantom of love" is brought to the point of absurdity.
"Factory", "About Love":
I will fold my palms like this
To shout louder
That's why I live
To tell you words,
About love, about you,
About familiar words painfully:
E. Fromm
What kind of knowledge, when hormones are seething, and our whole culture is aiming "listen to what the heart prompts."
And as a result we have:
From 1950 to 2002, there was a rapid tendency towards an increase in divorce rates in Russia, the “boiling point” was recorded in 2002 - 84 out of 100 marriages broke up. This was followed by a decline, but the upward trend in divorce rates in Russia continues, which indicates the existence of a serious demographic threat. Doctor of Social Sciences Professor A.V. Vereshchagin
Now (1999, the trend is growing), half of young families break up in the first year of life, two thirds - in the first five years, in 70% of families that have not yet broken up, the spouses are in tense relations ...
D.philos.n. V.M. Rozin "Problems of love in the context of the contradictions of the modern family."
Number of divorces per 1000 marriages in 2000:
Magadan region 1426
Saint-Petersburg 827
Moscow 673
Ingushetia 35
(In Ingushetia, the life expectancy of men is 10 years more than the average for Russia)
According to the 2012 UN Demographic Yearbook, Russia is the first country with the highest number of divorces. Further Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova. On the 6th - the USA.
Only 1.5% of Russians surveyed answered positively to the question "Are your relations with your loved one harmonious."
“According to official statistics, we have 70 divorces per 100 marriages. And I say that 100% of marriages are divorces. We don't have families as such. It's just that people live in isolation in one territory, isolated from each other.
We have such families that only the outer shell keeps people together. I researched families where the marriage lasted 10-15 years, and asked, asked a question of this type: "You would now marry your husband, but only everything will happen again as it was." And vice versa. As a result, only 5% of men did not regret having married this woman. And 9% of women. But, let's say, I agree to marry her, and my wife would not marry me now, if on a new one. So out of 11,400 families of this kind, it turned out, there are five, where there is a mutual choice".
(Total less than 05%)
Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, MD, psychotherapist M.E. Litvak "Love is a rare thing." Our library "Love, family, sex and about ..." contains almost all of his books.
If the result of a sociological study is less than the statistical error, this means that it will not be a mistake if we accept that the phenomenon under study (love) is generally absent in married life.
This is how cultural stereotypes deceive us, and a whole section is devoted to this on the site Ecology of the culture of love.
The ratio of leg length to height as an indicator "Type of sexual constitution."
When you get married, take a finished product, not a semi-finished product.
Psychotherapist, MD M. Litvak
In recent years, the letters that come to my site are all on one topic: how to achieve happiness in your personal life. Some complain about fate, others about men, but absolutely everyone wants simple recipes: how should you be in relationships with men - brave and active or soft and expectant? What strategy should you take to keep him from slipping away? How to "squeeze" a man before marriage? And the main question: what "dolls" are in the greatest demand now?
E. Belyakova "Love is not for the infantile!"
With a twist ... must be cupcakes! With riddles - crossword clue! But a woman - should be with brains!
In our library of books and videos: "Love, family, sex and about ..." there is a book by psychologist Vladimir Basun " Man as a product and a buyer in the sex marriage market: The Psychology of Evaluation, Partner Choice and Pair Formation. In it, he examines precisely this principle in detail.
According to V. I. Zatsepin, marital and family representations of young people are clearly consumer unrealistic - the average desired spouse surpassed the “average” real young man from the immediate environment of female students in his positive qualities. Similarly to young male students, the ideal spouse was presented as a woman who was not only better than real girls, but also surpassed them in intelligence, honesty, fun and hard work.
Assortability is a phenomenon in which the formation of married couples or interbreeding in relation to any trait does not occur randomly: there is a sexual preference. For example, in human populations there is an assortability in growth, in the similarity of IQ, in the overwhelming majority of cases, marriages are concluded between people who are similar to each other.
If the first principles of choosing a marriage partner "in love" are the largest number, then the second and third can be attributed to marriage of convenience. The number of types of calculations for marriage in real life is naturally much larger, two are given only for example.
There is a coinciding statistics of married “for love” and “by calculation” of the Permian sociologist Z. Feinburg and Indian psychologists Usha Gupta and Pushpa Singh (Usha Gupta & Pushpa Singh, 1982). Those who married for love noted the extinction of love feelings if their marriage lasted more than five years. Those who married for convenience, on the other hand, indicated that the feeling of love increased in comparison with the feeling that they experienced when they were newlyweds. On the graph made by Usha Gupta and Pushpa Singh, the vertical line is "the power of love", the horizontal is the age of marriage.
Love is what happens to men and women who don't know each other.
US Maugham
The first filter - a person is considered as a bearer of qualities: appearance, character traits, behavior) and filtering here occurs at the "like or dislike" level.
Second, a similarity filter. For him, the important criteria are being engaged in joint activities, coincidence in interests and worldview, pastime, as well as the possibility of mutual complementarity by partners of each other.
Third, the role-matching filter. It contains our opinion on how a partner should play the role of a lover, friend, husband, which should be manifested in his behavior, duties and attitude towards us.
As a result of such amateur performance, the result at all times was the same:
Most people, passing from the romanticism of adolescent falling in love to adult life, do not move to love, but to being, in which there is no place for either falling in love or love. In this being, love and falling in love are replaced by sexual addiction and material attachment, causing longing in temporary loneliness and boredom in being together.
A.N. Afanasyev.
... the first place among all human misfortunes (wars, diseases, epidemics, natural and other disasters) is confidently kept by love and family troubles. Life has shown for more than the first millennium that this area of our being is the most uncontrollable, the most unpredictable and insidious, the most cruel and fraught with injuries and tragedies.
Psychotherapist V. Levy
Statistics, statements of outstanding, famous people have shown that in families created according to the principles listed above, love is practically absent, therefore these principles should be classified as disharmonious. Now let's move on to:
The principle of choosing a marriage partner leading to harmony in the family or to phylogamy.
In the definition of love, E. Fromm included “knowledge”: “Love is a fruitful form of relationship to others and to oneself. It implies care, responsibility, respect and knowledge, as well as the desire for the other person to grow and develop. This is a manifestation of closeness between two human beings, provided that the integrity of each of them is preserved. "Elsewhere"... it is impossible to respect a person without knowing him: care and responsibility would be blind if they were not guided by knowledge." Knowledge is a necessary aspect of love, allowing you to penetrate into the essence, "secret" of a loved one and realize all other aspects of love. In addition, a person does not have an innate gift, to distinguish love from a multitude of pseudo-love feelings and this can be done only through knowledge that is better to master before the onset of sexual desires. In any case, it is better to know this before submitting an application to the registry office.
King Solomon (about Shulamith)
One name of King Solomon, spoken aloud, excited the heart of a woman, like the scent of spilled myrrh, reminiscent of nights of love.
A. I. Kuprin "Sulamith"
To designate the highest form of sexual love, the philosopher V.S. Soloviev uses the concept of syzygy, which means "combination" in Greek. This word was used in the era of late antiquity to denote such a conjugation between a man and a woman, which is the basis of a strong marriage union. For many centuries after antiquity, the secret of the combination of a man and a woman leading to syzygy, the ability of a lover to see in a loved one what others do not notice, in a special positivity and harmony of mutual influence, could not unravel. In the second half of the twentieth century, several famous psychologists proposed their versions explaining the nature of love as a result of the best compatibility, or, more precisely, the best psychotypical compatibility.
The most famous theory, which has the largest number of followers, is the work "The dual nature of man." A. Augustinavichiute - the founder of socionics. Socionics is the only one of the psychological sciences that suggests the best psychotypes, from which strong family unions are formed, as well as combinations in which in no case should this be done. ... There is such an aphorism: "Love is impossible to find, it can only be found", socionics suggests that path, following which the probability of meeting love increases many times over.
Soul mechanisms that arise, develop and work in dual pairs are described:
The essence of love. E. Pushkarev.
Love test: "love scale" by Z. Rubin.
True love, it is also compatible love.
How love is viewed in socionics.
Culture of longevity of love. A culture of separation grief.
The situation with tricks from the confession, which was simply impossible above in a dual pair, since the dual is the source of only a supportive, encouraging mood. Because the duals have ideological similarity, these are “kindred souls”.
Love, love - legend says -
Union of the soul with the native soul -
Their union, combination,
And Their Fatal Merger.
And ... the fatal duel ...
F.I. Tyutchev
I would like to find a soul mate,
What is so similar to mine ...
And together we will listen to the silence ...
Here on earth ... and there, in paradise ...
Do not ask empty questions ...
Do not collect grievances in the house ...
Watch the thunderstorms blaze ...
And to know that we are always together ...
And if suddenly the Soul cries
In my bodily existence,
Someone will console ... it means,
We are not alone in the world ...
G. Volenberg
And this predetermines mutual understanding, interest arises from communication, mutual actions, mental comfort develops, empathic, trusting relationships. This causes a desire to do a good deed for the partner, and this causes an even greater desire to deliver reciprocal pleasure. Everything! The chain reaction of the development of love feelings as the highest form of value relationships has been launched and now it will develop until the end of the century "until a person perishes in the earth." That is why over the years love becomes even stronger and more wholesome.
Culture of longevity of love. A culture of separation grief. E. Pushkarev.
Love is not so much a feeling that leads to marriage, as the disclosure of the effective light energy of a person and other abilities in life together. Love ceases to be a separate feeling, but becomes a universal state of the soul, body, mind, behavior.
All these pleasant processes of finding and realizing spiritual comfort and harmony take time, and therefore love does not exist at first sight, it can only excite love, lust, and they have nothing to do with love.
Gary Chapman "Five languages of love"
Love at first sight does not exist.
Ray Short Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin
Psychological health is a prerequisite for love. E. Pushkarev
but this is a different look at the phenomenon and problems.
Don Quixote (Seeker) - Dumas (Mediator)
Hugo (Enthusiast) - Robespierre (Analyst)
Hamlet (Mentor) - Maxim (Inspector)
Zhukov (Marshal) - Yesenin (Lyric)
Napoleon (Politician) - Balzac (Critic)
Jack (Entrepreneur) - Dreiser (Guardian)
Stirlitz (Administrator) - Dostoevsky (Humanist)
Huxley (Advisor) vs. Gaben (Master)
"Ode to dual contact" G. Shulman
V. G. Belinsky
Because from childhood, under the influence of our culture, both on the conscious and on the unconscious levels, each of us builds up romantic ideas about love and the images of loved ones. And this strongly does not correspond to reality, all this must be comprehended, decisions must be made, mental costs must be made, until the complete annihilation of toxic amorous illusions and fantasies.
Professor H. Fischer
Aushra Augustinavichute. Founder of Socionics.
... and the best love in the world brings together not souls of equal alignment, but only those that can be tuned in unison, that is, those that have yet to be aligned with each other by removing many differences ...
F. Baader
Ode to dual contact. G.A. Shulman
A lot of delightful things have been written above about duality, but in the story about it you need to make a mandatory reservation. The beginning of a marriage relationship, including a dual one, requires harmonization, grinding in characters, habits, and without this there will be painful conflicts and divorces.
And the best description of love in a dual pair in all fiction was made by L.N. Tolstoy in War and Peace.
Natasha Rostova and Pierre Bezukhov. Examples of true love. E. Pushkarev
Socionic psychotypes:
Natasha Rostova - sensory-ethical extravert SEE - ESFP - Napoleon
Pierre Bezukhov - an intuitive-logical introvert OR - INTP - Balzac
Andrey Bolkonsky - ethical-intuitive extrovert EIE - ENFJ - Hamlet
L. N. Tolstoy is not only the greatest psychologist, but also a psychoanalyst and a psychotherapist among novelists, he brings to us the originality of such emotional reactions that, without the psychological depth of his approach, would hardly have been revealed at all, they are deeply human and play an essential role in the behavior of a person in the whole. L.N. Tolstoy penetrates deep into the psychic nature of man, reveals the motives that latently drive his actions, thereby revealing its secrets. Moreover, L.N. Tolstoy not only describes in detail the family love of Pierre and Natasha, he also told about all the loves that preceded it.
Pierre's love for Natasha arose even when Natasha's romance with Andrei Bolkonsky, who was his best friend, was in full swing. Pierre was jealous of Andrei, moreover, he was married to the beautiful Helene. After that, many dramatic and tragic events take place, the war of 1812, Pierre is captured by the French and awaits execution, A. Bolkonsky dies, Pierre's wife dies and many other things.
Feelings for Natasha are almost forgotten, and if not for a chance meeting with her, this fleeting feeling would have been forgotten irretrievably. "... he does not immediately recognize Natasha in a pale and thin woman with sad eyes without a shadow of a smile ..." She is still all in her grief, but it is natural for her to speak out in front of Pierre without concealment about the details of the last days of her love for Andrei, because she felt a kindred spirit in him. For Pierre it is a joy and “rare pleasure” to tell Natasha about his adventures during captivity. It is a joy for Natasha to listen to him, "guessing the secret meaning of all Pierre's mental work." Love woke up in their hearts, and suddenly "it smelled and doused with long-forgotten happiness," and the "forces of life" were hammered, and "joyful madness" seized them. "Love woke up, life woke up too."
Soon, Pierre confesses his love to Natasha, and in the early spring of 1813, Pierre Bezukhov and Natasha Rostova get married. And a life full of love, harmony, joy and new discoveries began.
By this time they had three daughters and a son.
"- I love you terribly! - Natasha said suddenly. - Awful. Awful!"
But if Natasha married Andrei Bolkonsky, this marriage would be extremely unsuccessful at first for her, and already as a consequence for him. Andrei's relationship to Natasha can be described as patronage in the absence of feedback that she does not need. Over time, they develop into almost complete disregard for Andrei Natasha. Since you do not need my patronage, and I cannot give you anything else, then you do not need me. Instead of love, as it develops in relations with Pierre, it turns into a hindrance, an uninteresting, primitive burden that prevents him from fully thinking, living and being himself.
This is why socionics of love is good, which allows you to predict on this shore when love is in the midst of what awaits us on the other side, when love has passed like smoke, and ordinary everyday life has come, in which you need to solve many complex life problems.
Spouses, professional socionics and duals Irina and Sergei Beletskiy wrote the book “Everyday life of dual relations”, Introduction to this book A> and download link. In it, they provide valuable, practical advice.
Dual pair and dualization of Hugo - Robespierre. V. Meged. A description of other dual pairs and tips for their dualization can be found on the link on the page.
There are many cases when simple lapping is not enough, but it is required:
Relationship correction. A. Grechinsky, T. Pedan including duals.
Modern sex and marriage - myths and reality. V.G.Taktarov, R.V. Beleda
S.V. Kovalev believes that family unions, concluded through a dating service, are several times more stable than love marriages.
Germany is the leader among civilized countries in terms of the number of marriages created using an artificial form of dating - marriage offices, every sixth marriage.
Hello! Dear CLUB.
I am a careerist, but a very beautiful girl, and men of different ages fall in love with me. I was brought up modestly and from a poor family. By the time I was 22, I had achieved everything I dreamed of.
Now there are 3 of them who are ready to marry me and do everything for my sake, but there are no feelings for any of them. First, I have been dating him for a year and a half (we are of the same age), he is wonderful, not handsome, but such a fine fellow, if I chose him, he would "work for days, for the sake of the family," he is an orphanage and knows the value of relationships. But I do not love him, this is a habit, friend, he is always there, always helps ... We are together now, he knows that I don’t love him the way he does, he resigned himself and is ready to wait until I fall in love with him, believes in it piously ... I sleep with him, rarely, he was the first, and I had no one else.
The second, a military man (a little older than me), "smells like a man" from him, otherwise I cannot say about him. He dreams of taking me with him to a military town, but I am afraid of changing my place of residence, my career ... He will come soon, and I want to "try" him, take a closer look at him. But I'm not going anywhere, and he needs a wife by his side.
The third, we have known him for more than three years, he is more than 20 years older than me, he is smart, wealthy and dreams of a family. But I am afraid of age, and the attitude of parents ... Money and his attitude, the desire of children bribe me ... Everyone envies me as soon as they find out about him, and advise me to choose him. So I'm very secretive.
I feel that it is time for me to get married, it is time to have children, to bring up and take care of my family. After all, no career can replace a family hearth. I achieved everything I wanted, it remains to choose a husband.
About dual relationships, team. All articles
Disappointed in duality. Pushkarev
Sexual preferences of psychotypes.
Sexual compatibility of socionic psychotypes
True love, it is also compatible love.
Culture of longevity of love. A culture of separation grief.
The essence of love. E. Pushkarev.
Briefly about love. E. Pushkarev
Man and woman: compatibility, love. E. Pushkarev
Man and woman: relationships. E. Pushkarev
Man and woman: leadership in love and marriage. E Pushkarev
Psychology of love. E. Pushkarev
Love test: "love scale" by Z. Rubin.
1. The first self-testing gives less than 50% objective results.
2. Before making any decision, consult a professional socionicist.
Constance Arons, Professor of Sociology, Psychiatrist (USA)